Stewardship Committee contacts news members to welcome them, to provide information that will encourage active participation in worship and parish activities, and to get a better understanding of the member's needs. If you would like to know more about our efforts to welcome new parishioners or have suggestions, please contact the Parish Office at 319.233.6179.
A pictorial directory of parishioners is published every five years. The committee secures a company to publish the directory, schedules picture taking, formats the directory, and distributes it. If you would like to assist in this effort, please contact the Parish Office at 319.233.6179..
The committee annually provides parishioners of all ages the opportunity to indicate the ways in which they can participate as stewards of their time and talents. This information is provided to the various committee or ministry leaders who contact parishioners to coordinate their stewardship.
We recognize our many volunteers in various ways. Our goal is to acknowledge volunteers as Disciples of Christ. If you would like to participate in acknowledging volunteers or for more information, please contact Ed Schmadeke at 319.269.8455.