In February of 2004, an endowment fund was established by the Community of Blessed Sacrament for the purpose of providing additional financial support. The fund is intended as an indefinite restricted fund within the parish structure, utilizing only the interest/dividends earned.
The revenues from the fund may be used for building maintenance and improvements for current and future needs, just wages for employees, additional staffing as needs evolve, and to more fully support the educational mission of the Blessed Sacrament Community.
The endowment is professionally managed by the Archdiocese of Dubuque in the D&L Central Endowment Fund. The portfolio is diversified as follows: 60% in equity, 30% in fixed and 10% in alternative funds. The spending policy is weighted for inflation and also is weighted for the Living Legacy's projected inflation adjusted long-term growth of 5.25%. Its basis is the account value and the previous year's distribution. Distributions were begun in 2010 and, as of November 2013, the fund has a principal value of almost $1 million.
Contributions are continuously made by parishioners to increase the principal value. There are special envelopes in the set of tithing envelopes that can be used for contributions or you may contact the
Parish Office at 319.233.6179 for more information.