Dear Members of Blessed Sacrament Community:
Our God’s Portion Appeal offers the opportunity to encourage all parishioners to consider using Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) for the Sunday collection. EFT allows one to make your church envelope donations by automatic deduction/electronic funds transfer. The enclosed application form presents what the parish Finance Committee feels are some real advantages to both parishioners and to the parish. Most importantly, it helps parishioners support the parish financially as one intends even when family or business takes one away for a weekend. Please consider it and the questions & answers provided below.
St. Thomas Aquinas noted centuries ago that virtues are formed by practice; we know that is true for everything from study skills and free throw shooting to deepening the love between spouses by regular acts of care and attention. Using EFT for donations can help us get into the practice of tithing—giving God’s portion first—by making it one less thing to remember as we get ready for church. We can still place our envelopes or donation cards available in Church in the collection. We can still give witness to our gratitude to God! But, we won’t need to find the cash or the checkbook to put something inside!
About 215 parishioner households currently make use of EFT. Thank you for considering joining their growing number! Please contact Terri at the Rectory Office (233-6179) with any questions.
Some Commonly asked Questions about Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT).
Q. When will my contribution be deducted from my account?
A. Contributions are deducted from your account on the date/s you choose:
Mondays, 2nd or 16th of the month.
Q. If I don’t write checks, how do I keep my checkbook balanced right?
A. Since your contribution is made at a pre-established time, you simply record it
in your check register on the appropriate date.
Q. Without a cancelled check, how can I prove I made my contribution?
A. Your bank statement gives you an itemized list of electronic transfers. That is
your proof.
Q. Is an Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) risky?
A. Electronic Fund Transfer is less risky than check or cash contribution. It can’t
be lost, stolen or destroyed in the mail and it has an extremely high rate of
Q. What if I change bank accounts?
A. You will be provided with a new authorization form by the parish office for you
to complete.
Q. How much does it cost to use an Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)?
A. It costs you nothing and will save you time!
Q. Will I be able to use EFT for Easter, Christmas, Holy Day and Diocesan
A. No, EFT is used only for your sacrificial giving budget amount. You will
receive envelopes from the church and by mail for the extra collections
Q. What if I try Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) and don’t like it?
A. You can cancel your authorization for EFT at any time by notifying the Parish
Rectory or in writing.
Q. How can I sign up for Electronic Fund Transfer?
A. Simply CLICK HERE to view and print our EFT form, attach a voided check
and mail it to Blessed Sacrament Church, 650 Stephan Ave. Waterloo, 50701,
or drop it in the Sunday collection basket.
Forms are also available in the back of church