Are you skilled in problem-solving and analysis? Do you possess a special gift for best accounting practices? Are you adept at shepherding budgets? Do you have a flair for fundraising? If so, your wealth of experience is important to us! Share your special gift by contacting Gaylen Hiesterman or Fr. Tony Kruse and let us know!
To read more about our Finance Council, CLICK HERE.
Do you have a love for the liturgy? Come join us the first Tuesday of each month as we meet to enhance our experience at weekly liturgies. Contact Donna Burton for more information.
To read more about our Liturgy Committee, CLICK HERE.
Looking to deepen your sense of belonging and involvement in the community? Join us in promoting activities to build and strengthen fellowship both in our parish and its outreach programs. Contact the Dan Armstrong to learn more. Come have fun with friends, old and new!
To read more about our Parish Community Life Committee, CLICK HERE.
Are you passionate about helping others experience the loving presence of God's reign? Do you burn with a desire to continue the mission, work, and service of Jesus Christ towards others? The Social Justice Committee is your home at Blessed Sacrament! Come join us as we bridge the gap between Gospel and reality and the world we live in. We meet on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm in Putz Hall. Contact Maggie England, Pastoral Associate, for more information.
To read more about our Social Justice Committee, CLICK HERE.
Do you possess an "Attitude of Gratitude"? Wondering how you can help others to identify their gifts and share them lovingly with others? Come join us and share your ideas and help your fellow parishioners understand and live Catholic Stewardship. We meet the second Monday of each month at 6:15 pm in the Church. Contact Laura Hansmeier for more information.
To read more about our Stewardship Committee, CLICK HERE.